The St Kentigern Girls’ School building is the second of three major developments to be completed since the decision to co-locate the Boys’ School, Girls’ School and Preschool on the Shore Road campus.
The development took full advantage of the new provisions for schools under the Auckland Unitary Plan and, as such, was an early test of Council’s willingness to accept buildings of substantial scale in suburban residential areas.
The site also had its inherent challenges, being coastal, steeply sloping, well-vegetated, directly opposite an expensive residential area, and on a prominent arterial road with known congestion problems and little that could be done to resolve those problems.
Despite these challenges, the application was approved on a non-notified basis – testament to a process of early and ongoing engagement with Council, the value of preparing comprehensive, high quality documentation, and the trust the client placed in its consultants.
Ongoing Advice to the St Kentigern Trust Board
Civitas has provided planning advice on all major projects undertaken by the St Kentigern Trust Board since 2003. This has included:
St Kentigern College
- Wingate (Senior School) building
- McFarlan Centre (Arrivals/Administration building)
- Elizabeth McFarlan Centre (Girls College)
- Jack Paine Centre (Technology Centre)
- Learning Commons and ICT Centre
- Science building extensions
- Boarding house extensions
- Manor Park carpark
- Jetty, boat sheds and boat apron
- Maintenance compound
- Sports facilities
- Stormwater consenting
St Kentigern Shore Road campus
- Pre-school
- Girls' School building
- Senior Boys' and Specialist Facilities building
- Jubilee Sports Centre, turf and carpark
- Gate 5 carpark reconfiguration
- Shore Road bus bays
- Stormwater consenting
St Kentigern Remuera Road campus
- Pre-purchase advice
- Re-zoning advice
- Pre-school
Civitas has also provided input on the master planning of the St Kentigern campuses, advice on developments proposed on adjacent land, advice on plan changes promoted by Council and advice on the Auckland Unitary Plan process.