Stage 1 of the St Kentigern Primary School campus redevelopment involves:
1. Alterations to vehicle access and parking arrangements;
2. Widening of Shore Road to provide more space for buses;
3. Relocation of the Middle School to temporary classrooms;
4. Demolition of the Middle School building and adjacent residence;
5. Construction of a three storey Senior Boys' and Specialist Facilities building; and
6. Construction of a five storey Girls’ School building to allow the Girls’ School to relocate from its existing campus on Remuera Road.
As the Trust Board had sold the St Kentigern Girls’ School campus on Remuera Road, the pressure was on to secure resource consent in time for all of the above facilities to be completed and ready for occupation by the time the sale of the Girls’ School campus was settled.
To complicate matters further, as the Trust Board’s existing stormwater discharge consent provided for the construction of just 2,000m2 of additional impervious area, there was a need to obtain a new campus-wide stormwater discharge consent, as well as consent for stormwater outfall upgrades, before construction of the new buildings could commence.
These time pressures required Civitas to minimise the risk of notification and the potential for one component of the redevelopment to delay the consenting of another. This meant breaking the redevelopment into separate projects that could be consented and (where necessary) constructed independently.
We are pleased to report that all consents were duly granted, and on a non-notified basis – no mean feat for such a large redevelopment in Remuera – setting the Trust Board on a path to completion in accordance with its programme.
Building images prepared by and copyright to Architectus.
Ongoing Advice to the St Kentigern Trust Board
Civitas has provided planning advice on all major projects undertaken by the St Kentigern Trust Board since 2003. This has included:
St Kentigern College
- Wingate (Senior School) building
- McFarlan Centre (Arrivals/Administration building)
- Elizabeth McFarlan Centre (Girls College)
- Jack Paine Centre (Technology Centre)
- Learning Commons and ICT Centre
- Science building extensions
- Boarding house extensions
- Manor Park carpark
- Jetty, boat sheds and boat apron
- Maintenance compound
- Sports facilities
- Stormwater consenting
St Kentigern Shore Road campus
- Pre-school
- Girls' School building
- Senior Boys' and Specialist Facilities building
- Jubilee Sports Centre, turf and carpark
- Gate 5 carpark reconfiguration
- Shore Road bus bays
- Stormwater consenting
St Kentigern Remuera Road campus
- Pre-purchase advice
- Re-zoning advice
- Pre-school
Civitas has also provided input on the master planning of the St Kentigern campuses, advice on developments proposed on adjacent land, advice on plan changes promoted by Council and advice on the Auckland Unitary Plan process.